Monday, August 27, 2012


Well at this point I don't have much to say or talk about...I have gone numb. But something that has been bothering me is "how do I prioritize things in my life?" As in as taught in my Masters; are there aspects of delineation that need to be followed? If Yes then who sets them because I surely cannot.
I mean as I slog to maintain a perfect balance between the Faculty's wishes and the Student's wishes and my Boss's wishes as a coordinator.. who is my priority? The students want me to understand their problems, the Faulty wants them to learn and my Boss just wouldn't give in. What I do is try my level best to juggle with them and then get hit hard by one of them. While I work is my priority to be happy with what I am doing, make the boss happy or just let it be...coz for sure my boss being happy would make me happy but the thing that would make him happy may not make me happy directly. Now, now, now People would suggest the easiest thing to do "COMPROMISE", but dear beings of the living world I would only be able to compromise on one thing if I'd be able to Prioritize the other right? So I have successfully brought you back to the same question "What is my Priority"?
As I have grown to become a beautiful, confident and independent women madly in love with people, her work, her study and her desire to earn loads of money, I realize that my ability to prioritize has diminished further. I want to party but my loved ones want me to be careful; I want to be careful but I get bored, so I go party and then I have forgotten all about my loved ones wanting me to be careful. I want to work in core firms, but there isn't much money to offer, but i want that too and my parents want me to do further studies and get into the government sector which would eventually get me settled in life and get me money but I cannot afford not to be sitting around doing nothing all day as the trend goes and I want to go abroad for a PHD, but that again calls for money and I don't have that and for me to have money I need to work, but I want to work in a core firms... so AAARRRGGGGGGHHH. I want friends but friends want more and I cant give them more than friendship and then want em to be okay with that and I cannot face it and so I cannot be friends with the people I loved to have as simply "HOW DO I PRIORITIZE"?
The blog is open to suggestions.... 

1 comment:

  1. "Well at this point I don't have much to say or talk about..."this first sentence is so ironical with rest of ur blog..wr u r actually saying soo much..
    Dear lady to a clear fight between needs n wants..a fight between breathing & Living...U have just gt one life to it de way U want to, do wat U want to..n those who actually love U..will understand dis aniway...make Ur own mistakes, n learn from them..wat ever u choose just put ur heart into it:) de best is going to flow aniway :)
